Welcome to the Queer Coven
We are a welcoming, LGBTQIA+ Coven of witches. We believe that Woman are people; Black Lives Matter; Abortion is Healthcare; Humans are not Illegal; Religious Trauma is endemic , and much more. We're progressive, and border on anarchy (as a political stance); we are without religious dogma or "woo". We believe that we are the change we need, and we have to heal ourselves and be there to help others. We believe that imagination is powerful, but there are things we will never know the answers to, and we're ok with that.
You'll find all of our articles as they're published in the menu at the top right (Home). Our site is a work in progress, and Your HeadWitch is working as quickly as she can (she does, however, have cats, and a day-job, so will update as she can)
Questions? Contact us at HeadWitch@queercoven.com
What is a Witch?
A witch is many things, but at its most basic, a Witch is a person who is whole in, and of, themselves.
They are kind, caring, loving, and compassionate-- with themselves and with the world around them.
They seek to Do No Harm, but Take No Shit.
A witch is not a liar; they keep their word.
A witch does not take advantage of others.
A witch is able to give advice when asked, but knows when it is time to ask for advice themselves.
A witch does not know all, and sometimes feels like they know nothing at all! But they seek to learn, and hope to be wise-- eventually
A witch knows that the world needs help, and that help can't come from "thoughts and prayers" but hands and money-- and gives what they can, always
A witch is not -phobic of people. We are not transphobic, biphobic, homophobic, xenophobic or any other
They take responsibility for their mental and physical health (even when that means they have to seek therapy, dig into their trauma, and Witches Take Their Medication [for the record, medicinal marijuana is great for many things. It is not a substitute for anti-anxiety, antidepressant, or OCD meds; we'll talk about that more later])
For many people, witches are healers, herbalists, tarot readers, (or other oracles), psychics, and more. So many humans do these very things, without claiming (or being named) witches. We believe that being a witch is a choice one makes, on their own-- and it comes with responsibilities. It also means we take the effort needed and required to be honest, have integrity, to be responsible, and to care-- even when that compassion hurts us deeply. If you are such a person, then perhaps you're a witch, too.
Who we are & What we stand for
This is the section of the hard stuff: who we are, and what we support. For us, and for progressively minded witches, these are common sense. For others, they aren't-- and if that's the case, we aren't the place for you. Questions are allowed, arguing, calling us "Snowflakes", threatening us, or any other nastiness is not.
Progressive Politics:
We believe that women (and Enby/trans uterus-havers-- you know, those of us humans that the conservative/maga crowd wants to own) are humans, whole in, and of, themselves. Humans are not to be owned, they are not property, and their bodies are their own.
We believe that our trans-siblings, and our Enby (non-binary, NB) siblings are perfectly normal, perfectly fine, just the way they are, and we accept them without equivocation.
Human sexuality if a spectrum of amazing colours. From Aro/Ace to Pan/Omni, we celebrate the orientations of everyone. LGBTQIA+ persons are valid and beloved, and we are proud to be part of this vibrant community of people. We Welcome Queers here, and if you can't, this isn't the place for you.
Human gender identity is also a spectrum of amazing colours! Non-binary, male, female, trans, genderqueer/fluid, and so many more! We welcome all genders here, and if you can't (or won't!) this isn't the place for you. Please tell us your pronouns, so we can be sure to honour you where you are!
Gender Identity is Who You Are. Sexuality/Orientation is Who You Are Attracted To (if anyone).
We also believe in honouring the gender of all persons, child and adult. Honouring the gender of a child does not groom them, it doesn't sexualize them, and it doesn't abuse them. Choosing not to honour the gender of a child (or anyone) is abusive and harmful. We believe that trans and queer kids deserve to live their lives as their authentic selves. If you don't agree, or are going to go all Florida Man screaming at us, this is not your place.
If a person has a uterus and is pregnant they, and only they, are the person to decide if they want to carry that pregnancy to term. Do they want to parent? Do they wish to terminate the pregnancy? Do they want to find an adoptive family? Doesn't matter what you think, what matters is what they think. We here at the QueerCoven are unapologetically pro-choice. We believe that abortion is an unmitigated good, that it is healthcare, and that no one gets to have input aside from the person with the uterus. The HeadWitch is proudly pro-abortion and begs you to come at her.
We believe that it is important to be more than "not-racist", we must be actively Anti-Racist. We have to dismantle the privilege that is endemic in the US (where your HeadWitch, and Her beloved Witches live). We actively work to educate ourselves in anti-racism, to interrogate our attitudes about race and to dig out and remove the parts of us, large and small, that we were given by our parents in service of the White Patriarchy/Society we live in. This means micro- as well as macro-aggressions. This means holding ourselves and others accountable for actions, words and attitudes. This means we ask for help to find our blind spots when it comes to race and colour-ism, and that when we know better we damned well do better. We don't let our hurt feelings stand in the way of the humanity of a person of colour. We don't expect BIPOC people to educate us, because we know we have to do that hard work on our own. We know it hurts sometimes, and really it can, but better to rip out the cancer and heal, than let it fester and harm.
We believe in so much more! Universal health care; universal college/university/trade school; universal SNAP for children. We are radical in our compassion, and find it hard to believe that children having food is a progressive idea. We are incredulous that feeding hungry people is radical.
We're pretty happy being radical if it means we're creating a better world. Our country (the US) and our world are hurting, fascism is rising (it's the GOP here in the US), authoritarianism is making inroads. We believe that we can help make things better. We have to try.
Well, who the hell are you, and how come you get to decide all this stuff?
HeadWitch: I'm a witch, first. Secondly, I can only decide for myself. That's the beauty of Witchcraft: it is about choice. Plus, I bought this URL, so I get to call myself the HeadWitch.
I've studied the various neo-Pagan religions from Alexandrian Wicca, to Eclectic Hellenism, to Druidism and so many more. Some of these "schools of magic" have great ideas, and awesome recipes (I'm looking at you, Scott Cunningham, RIP) and some of them are horrifying in their misogynistic and power-hungry hierarchy. Aside from mythology/sacred stories these are just books, and workbooks, and more books and in-person courses, and mail correspondence courses, and-- you get the idea-- of Made Up Shit someone is monetizing. So, take the good bit, ignore the bad, and do your thing.
I have major/clinical depressive disorder and generalized anxiety disorder. I was raised in a religiously, and physically abusive household, and therapy saved my life.
I am a motherless child; cutting my biological mother out of my life was the best choice for my protection, and health, and the protection and health of my kids. [They aren't together, and my Dad is pretty great]. I parented mindfully, breaking the cycle of abuse, but will admit that I sometimes got it wrong. Parenting is full of figuring it out as you go, so parent with love and without physical discipline-- and say your sorry when you're wrong.
I'm one of those weirdos who just knows things, so I know that means I have an almost-subconscious ability to hot and cold read people. I also know that intuition is a little strange and very complicated: sometimes, humans just know things... that's witchcraft!
I make "spell jars" as focuses, light candles for awesomeness, and meditate for mental health. I imagine as many impossible things as I can, and try to make some of those things come true (like ending childhood hunger, and animal welfare work). I also love making soap, lotions, lip balms, and other "kitchen witchy" things for my own use.
I'm a huge fan of science, and love astronomy! I read books that entertain, teach, and piss me right off! I try to hold myself as carefully as I hold others, and extend that same compassion to myself that I give freely.
We're not going to ask for cash, or offer to break curses on you for money. We won't claim to speak to your dead family, or channel some angel-ascended master-whatever to fleece the gullible. We'll talk more about "Money For The Craft" later.