Magical Spells, or Doing the Work
Or, what is that spell-stuff anyway?
Hold on, hold on, before I get to the fun spells and stuff, let's talk about what is is, and what is isn't. This'll be your launch page for spells and Works as I get them put down. Just look for the pull-down menu at the top!
First, What is, or isn't a Working, a Spell, &ct?
Before we get into the actual Working* (with a capital “W”) let’s discuss what a magical spell is, or what I mean when I say that. But, in order to do that, I need to tell you what it isn’t.
Magic isn’t oogie-boogie, supernatural, woo. There’s no such thing as “supernatural” outside of movies, books and other stories. It isn’t a demon, or angel, or otherworldly something-or-other helping you do stuff. It isn’t bending the rules of physics, or anything like the fun, interesting, entertaining stories we’ve read and watched on movies. Unfortunately, there is no faerie dust, no sprinkle of magical-something-or-other. What magic is, is you concentrating on what you are choosing to do—with Intention
Intention is a word used a lot these days, especially by the hippie-granola-crunchy-woo crowd. It’s been endowed with supernatural properties, and is somehow a panacea. With “intentions” you are supposed to be able to do anything… nevermind that most of us barely meal-plan with intention. It’s used as a catch-all for “something with utter importance that will help one be Better”.
What is it really? “Intention” is doing something on purpose, with forethought—it’s planning something, and carrying it out. It’s choosing your path, firmly making your decision. That’s it. That’s all. Nothing supernatural about it. We try to meal-plan for the week with intention, just like we intentionally choose our work clothes, we choose our toothpaste and shampoo, our movies and books—every day you make choices with intention. So, there isn’t much of a difference between magical Intentions, and normal intentions—just putting yourself in the right headspace, and finding that quiet space to Work.*
Intention is also looking at the problem you’re trying to solve and really digging into the Everything of it. You’re trying to be your Best Self, and to grow into an even better self. In order to do that, we have to choose how we’re going to behave, how we’re reacting to things, and how we are choosing our paths. That’s what I mean when I say “Do this with Intention”.
When you want to cast a spell, you’re making a decision, and acting on that choice. You’re doing something concrete that you can see, feel, smell, hear, and touch. Involving all of your senses in addition to your active choice helps you really solidify that idea into an action—especially helpful if you’re working to be more compassionate toward yourself, or getting ready to stop drinking or smoking. That thing, candle, jar, muffin, whatever, helps you hold your mental choice in your hands, and makes them a physical action.
Going forward, whether you’re writing your own spells, using these here, or going through some of the awesome books out there make your choice with Intention. (Please see Basic Witches: How to Summon Success, Banish Drama, and Raise Hell with Your Coven, by Jaya Saxena & Jess Zimmerman and/or The Witch’s Book of Self-Care: Magical Ways to Pamper, Soothe, and Care for your Body and Spirit, by Arin Murphy-Hiscock for two great books of “spells and workings” [You can find them online at]**.)
*If you read a lot of Pagan stuff, you’ll often see magic spelled “magick”, and referred to as “Rites”, “Spells”, or “Workings”, depending on the tradition. I prefer “Work”, as these sorts of things usually presage actual work, sometimes drudgery, and always something you decide to do, a choice you make. When you see “Work”, that’s what I mean.
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