QC supports Abortion on demand
Abortion Rights are Human Rights: or, The Personal is The Political
In an attempt to write this without seeming like your HeadWitch is ranting and screaming into the Void, let us say:
We will fight for abortion rights until we are dead.
Abortion is Health Care!
We support abortion on demand, without apology.
#ProtectWomen is our Creed, and Only You Can Control Your Body.
Your HeadWitch believes that abortion is an unmitigated good. She is pro-abortion, not just pro-choice. She will fight for the right to choose her health care as long as she breathes-- and will fight for that right for others.
Your Body, Your Choice. It’s safe to say that most witches are pro-women, as most witches are women, minorities, enby, trans, and generally “not cis-het White Dudes”.
The Queer Coven supports a person’s right to their own bodily autonomy. What you choose to do with your body is your business. If you choose to terminate a pregnancy, then we will support you-- do you need a ride? Want us to call and check on you? Have you eaten? Can you eat? Do you need some of our amazing, eventually-to-be-world famous-chicken and dumplings? Do you just need a hug? We’re there.
We know that making abortion care illegal leads to dead women, not fewer abortions. “Dead pregnant people” is an unacceptable outcome-- especially in a so-called First World Nation. Laws that regulate another person’s body because of your religion are disgusting, and we will continue to rebel against this.
I realise that this means that for some people, “My Body, My Choice” means they will refuse to be vaccinated for COVID and/or the flu. They will refuse to mask, to isolate if they test positive for COVID, they will choose to expose others to a virus that might just kill them. They might choose any number of health outcomes that we believe is unhealthy. We know that this includes choosing homoeopathy rather than medicine, it means choosing “woo” rather than health care. We know this, and while it bothers us and our science-adoring hearts, your body, your choice. Just see below about hospitals, and remember that we want you to live-- so please choose the science.
As much as I hate to say it, I support them choosing not to be vaccinated and not to be masked. I also request that they live by their own “personal responsibility” credo-- that means: If You are Sick: Stay the FUCK Home! If you get COVID and you “choose to refuse” Do Not Go To The Hospital!
Ooooh, those are strong words, aren’t they? But I see it thusly: you want to legislate who can and who can’t control their bodies-- you believe that abortion is murder, or some such bullshit, right? So, how could you go to a hospital where they want to stick a needle in you to give you a vaccine you think will, I don’t know, give you 5G, be the Mark of the Beast, what’s the newest reason <looks around quickly for a back-stage whisper to catch her up>
We’ll go with “Give you the Maaark of the Beeeeeast!”
So, stay home. Don’t trust science to vaccinate you? Then, don’t trust science to treat your “teensy Covid-cold”.
If you think I’m being facetious, then stop for a moment and think about how I feel when I hear that my choice to end a pregnancy, that my choice to use contraception, that my choice to decide what state my uterus is in (occupied or unoccupied) is somehow up for debate. All those angry words that you’re frothing? Right back atcha!
If you believe that anyone’s reproduction decisions belong to anyone aside from them-- you probably don’t have a home here at QueerCoven. If you’re genuinely curious, then send us an email, and ask us the questions. We’ll do our best to answer kindly and with compassion-- unless you’re an asshole, then we’ll block you.
Our website-- our choice.