Spell: Jars for focus and encouragement

Spell Jars: or, what you want to cram into a teensy jar to encourage you!

In the photo in our header today is a spell jar as I was putting it together. This jar is small, and holds about 1 ounce of liquid, and I bought a case of like 24 online for pretty cheap. This is our topic, the what, how, and what for, of spell jars.

You may have phrases thrown around Neo-Pagan circles like "medicine bag", or "juju bag" or "witch jar". Your HeadWitch is not a practitioner of Hoodoo, or Voudon/voudou and so does not make juju bags. She is not a Native, or First Nations person, and so does not make medicine bags. Instead, as a Pagan who falls under the broad "Reconstruction" label, she makes spell jars, which are loosely based on old fashioned witch bottles/jars (which we will cover below, too) which can still be found in the walls and basements of old homes in the US and other English speaking countries (Ireland, England, Wales, Scotland and Australia).

A spell jar in magical-thinking traditions, those that are religious and believe that magic is real, hold that a spell jar is an actual magical spell. Like Abracadabra is an old Arabic spell from the Keys of Solomon-- spell jars are magical and can do all sorts of interesting things.

I don't use them that way, because there is no such thing as magic. The energy we use to make them is our good thoughts, or Intention (remember Intention?) They are a way of setting a focus, a visual reminder, of a thing we're working toward. They are physical, solid representations of that goal. Much like we write affirmations on our mirror* .

The jar that is above, unfinished, was a focus of creativity for me. I had stopped creating, no writing, no research into random things I love, no poetry, no Sculpey**. My heart and mental health were suffering, and I couldn't figure out why. I was seeing my therapist, I was meditating and trying to journal-- but something-- and then it hit me, journaling didn't scratch the writing itch, and I has stopped letting my imagination run free. So, I knew that I needed to start that work, especially if I wanted to stop a depression spiral.

I took some time to play with the clay and see what my hands created when my mind was occupied on thinking about my "Working Phrase". The phrase I chose was simple: Creating helps me grow; growth helps me stay health.

When I had a vague top hat shape, my mind went to Alice of the Wonderland and Looking Glass fame. I love those stories, and always have. That imagination journey through the Looking Glass, or down the rabbit hole to Wonderland has been one I took myself many times (and you too have been through the Looking Glass if you've done the Guided Meditations.)

You might need a focus, too. Something to remind you of your next step, your next actions. That's the whole point of a spell jar.

To create a Spell Jar, you will need:

A next step: what is it? Choose your Working Phrase, a couple words as an affirmation or reminder

a small jar, 1/2 to 1 ounce size

your "whatevers": items to go inside, including herbs, spices, tiny folded notes, stones, small figures, glitter, stickers. Take your time figuring out what you want; after you've made a few, you'll get faster at picking stuff out

a candle and fire to light it, colour doesn't matter

a ribbon, colour doesn't matter

Optional: incense (crumbled), white glue

You will do:

Meditate on your Phrase. Take a few minutes to find that quiet centre of yourself, and hold tight to it. That sets your Intention. Your intention will guide your hands as you create this jar, whether you craft each item, or go to Micheal's and buy everything. Store bought stuff is fine-- it's a focus for you, so as long as it works for you.

Optional: build your base: if you wish, poor a little white glue into the bottom of the jar and them sprinkle the incense crumbles on it like aquarium sand. This builds a ground, if you want one. You don't have to, but if you're adding spices and herbs like trees or bushes, it looks nice.

Add in your "whatevers". Place things carefully, and if you need or want to, the white glue can be used to stick things down. If you use the incense to create a base, you can very easily glue stuff in.

While you're creating your "whatever", and adding them into your tiny jar, hold your Intention with your Working Phrase. Think of the assembly as a "walking meditation".

When you have finished placing in all of your "whatevers", screw the top on, tightly. Light your candle, and carefully tie the ribbon across the bottom and top, like a present. then, Tie a bow and drip a few drops of wax on the bow to seal it. If you can't use wax, you can use tape, a sticker, whatever. The ribbon "ties your intention to your work" and the wax just literally glues them together so you don't have your ribbon falling off randomly.

Place it on your altar if you have one, or in a safe space where you can see it, but it's out of the way and won't get moved all over the place. You want it to blend into the background to everyone, except you. Every day, until you've made your habit stick, take 15 or 20 seconds to look at your jar, remember your Intention and Phrase, and then go, on purpose, do the thing!


Ok, quick note about Witch Bottles/Jars. They are similar in that they are jars that are crafted intentionally. That's where the similarity ends. A Witch Jar is a large jar, usually a quart, and is usually buried or hidden. It is not meant to be seen by anyone other than the Witch who created it. Because a Witch Jar is for protection of the person of the witch, and their property and family. They've been around for centuries, and they're a bit... extra-- also CW: body fluid

To create a Witch Bottle/Jar you need

1 large jar with a tight sealing lid, about a quart

The Repellants: nails, broken pins, broken files, broken backsaw blades, any sharp, metal objects from broken screwdrivers to push pins. Enough to fill the jar half way up

Candle to seal it

What you do:

Set your intention: this jar will "repel" negativity and protect you and your home and family (including pets)

Place the items in the jar, one at a time. This is time consuming, and you can do it slowly a piece or two at a time as long as you need to take to fill the jar half full. It won't be tightly packed, and you don't need it to be. It will look like every Boomer-Dad's "screw collection", in the basement, and that's exactly what you're going for

When you have filled the jar half way, take time to drink a lot of water and hold your intention. When you have to go, you're going to urinate on the pins and needles. Yep, that's what I said, the jar is full of sharp, broken things, and urine. You can collect it by peeing in a cup and pouring it in, but you need to cover the mental with urine. If you are a person who still has a period, you can also add 13 drops of your menstrual blood. If you would rather, you can add 13 drops of blood from your finger. Like I said, CW for body fluid.

One interpretation is that the metal pokes holes in the negative energy and so it floats away, and the urine poisons their intentions as they bounce back to the sender. I think that if you're making a Witch Bottle/Jar, you're also going to be more intentional and pay attention to your surroundings, and so that's who it'll protect you. Honestly, I don't know. I don't have one.

When the pins and needles are covered, (if a thing of three stick out the top, that's fine. You just want the majority to be covered). Screw on the lid, tight as you can get it. If you have a lid opener, use that to screw it on tighter. You never want this jar to open!

Light your candle and meditate for 10 minutes or so while it melts enough wax that it pools (a tea light or votive works good for this, as do 7 day candles). You Intend that this Witch Bottle/Jar is protective, you Intend to be mindful of your family, and work to keep them safe. You will not be paranoid. You will just be careful.

Turn the jar sideways, and carefully pour the wax around the lid to seal the seam. The wax will drip around the jar, following the lid, so do this over a paper plate, or something to catch. Carefully turn the jar and seal the lid with wax, until it is totally covered. Set the jar down, and pour a few drops on top of the lid. Press your thumb in that pool, "sealing" it with your thumb print.

Place the jar in a quiet, out of the way place; somewhere it won't be disturbed. You can bury it on your property, or tuck it in your attic, or garage, or basement. Hide it. If you're moving from that home, fetch it, and dispose of it before you leave-- so no one else has to do so when they move in.

If you move into a home and find a witch bottle there are a few ideas of how to best do this. I say carefully pick it up and place it in a rubbish bag. Tightly tie it closed, and place it in the garbage. You're not disrespecting anyone by doing this, not disturbing the dead, or anything like that. You're just removing something left behind by a prior inhabitant of your current home. It's not a big deal, it's just tidying up your space.

*Yours should say "I love you" at the very least, or "I am Worthy"! If not, choose one from your "I Love Myself" list and write it on your bathroom mirror where you can see it, with a white board eraser. Just choose a good one that makes you smile, and write it on the bottom, or top of your mirror. You can see it, and still put in your contacts, right? Perfect! Read it every time you go in there. Make yourself aware of it! More things to do with that list of delightful, awesome things soon.

**Sculpey is oven-bake clay that I love playing with. The top hat, tea cup and saucer, cat, and bunny above are made from different colours of sculpey with touches of acrylic paint.